This fall Addicus Books will publish the sixth edition of Straight Talk about Breast Cancer. The lead authors are Suzanne Braddock, M.D. Dr. Braddock, a twenty-five year breast cancer survivor, and Margaret Block, M.D., a medical oncologist in Omaha.
Exercising Through Your Pregnancy Back to Press
The fourth printing of the best-selling book on maternal fitness, Exercising through Your Pregnancy, is off the press. Addicus Books first published the book in 2002. Sales have been brisk since then. The book is available as a trade paperback and as an e-book. The author is maternal fitness expert Catherine Cram.
NPH Book Cited in Prevention Magazine
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus—From Diagnosis to Treatment is to be featured in the November issue of Prevention Magazine. Adam Mednick, MD, of Connecticut is the author.
NPH is a disease caused by a buildup of pressure by fluid that surrounds the brain; symptoms are problems with gait, incontinence, and mild dementia. The disease is commonly misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s. However, if diagnosed early, the symptoms can be reversed.
Book on Corneal Cross-Linking Coming in December
The first consumer health book on corneal cross-linking will be released in December. The book discusses a newly FDA approved procedure to treat keratoconus, a condition that affects vision when the cornea becomes misshaped. The author is Larry Hopp, MD, a cornea specialist, in practice in Beverly Hills, California.