The third edition of Cataract Surgery is authored by Los Angeles ophthalmologists, Robert Maloney, M.D., Neda Shamie, M.D., and Arjan Hura, M.D. The book is among Addicus Books best-selling consumer health books.
New Title: Stop Sabotaging Your Future—Live the Life You Want
According to author, Maxwell Morrison, MD, “We humans can get in the way of our own success and happiness. In Stop Sabotaging Your Future, Dr. Morrison discusses ways to overcome these maladaptive behaviors. He draws from his expertise as a medical doctor as well as from both his personal and professional life to take readers on journey of self-discovery and improvement. The book is scheduled for publication in Spring 2023.
Addicus Books Wins National Award
Addicus Books is pleased to announce that Facial Feminization Surgery—The Journey to Gender Affirmation, Second Edition, has received a first place award in the 2022 Ben Franklin Book Award competition. The book was the winning entry in the health and fitness category. The awards were announced at the 34th annual Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) conference at the Renaissance Hotel, Orlando, Florida, on April 29, 2022. More than 2,000 entries were judged by more than 160 book publishing professionals, including librarians, bookstore owners, reviewers, designers, publicity managers, and editors.
Three New Editions Receive High Praise from the American Medical Library Association
Elder Care Made Easier—Ten Steps to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One
The author, Dr. Marion Somers, walks us through basic steps: put safety first, improve the lifestyle, learn to use adaptive equipment, manage financial issues, take care of legal matters, find mobility in disability, find the right housing, hire help when needed. The writing style is conversational, making it easy to read. Highly recommended. Read full review here.
Cancers of the Head & Neck
Cancers of the Head and Neck—a Patient’s Guide to Treatment, by Drs. William Lydiatt and Perry Johnson, is a wealth of knowledge for anyone diagnosed with this cancer. Written in clear, plain language, the authors explain what this cancer is, how it is diagnosed, and treated. Highly recommended for all consumer health libraries. Read full review here.
Facial Feminization Surgery
This comprehensive and readable work, Facial Feminization Surgery—The Journey to Gender Affirmation, by plastic surgeons Dr. Jordan DeChamps Braly and Dr. Douglas Ousterhout, provides an empathetic guide to transgender woman that seemingly covers all aspects of this facial surgery. With fifteen chapters and dozens of photos and illustrations, this book is highly recommended for libraries. Read full review here.
Author of Medical Memoir Invited to Blog for Psychology Today
Pulmonologist, Ronald Kotler, M.D., author of Breathless—The Role of Compassion in Critical Care, has been invited to write a blog for Psychology Today. The themes of his blog will center on compassion. Read a sample blog, My Life as a Quadriplegic, click here.
Three Things Matter Most Is Featured Story on Jewish Press Website
Brett Atlas, author of Three Things Matter Most: Time, Relationships, and Money, was interviewed for a feature story in on Jewish Press website. Click here to read the full article. Brett’s book is now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the Apple Bookstore.
Korean Edition of Book on Pre-Natal Exercise Is Off the Press
The Korean edition of Exercising through Your Pregnancy is off the press in South Korea.
The Korean publisher is Yeong Mun Publishing. The foreign rights sale was handled by the Schulman Agency in New York City. Written by Catherine Cram, M.S., the book offers advice on exercise for pregnant woman.
Medical Memoir Now Available
The medical memoir, Breathless—The Role of Compassion in Critical Care, is now available through retailers. The author, Ronald Kotler, MD, draws from four decades of experience shares compelling stories of patients who were near death or who were facing the end-of-life. He takes readers behind the scenes as he describes the importance of compassion in the care for these patients. Dr. Kotler’s inspiring stories also salutes doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who make up the American healthcare system. His final chapter on “Self-Compassion” for healthcare professionals is particularly timely.
Dr. Kotler is a pulmonary/critical care medicine specialist at the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. He has been a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught pulmonary pathophysiology.
American Medical Library Association Praises Three Addicus Titles
Straight Talk about Breast Cancer, Sixth Edition. This breast cancer guidebook should be in every library. It’s a comprehensive overview of breast cancer written in an accessible style and a friendly tone. Each chapter delves deeply into its subject, clearly explaining all that is involved and including both photographs and illustrations.
—Consumer Connection, Newsletter of Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS)
of the Medical Library Association
Cataract Surgery—A Patient’s Guide to Treatment. This is an excellent work for those facing cataract surgery. In 9 chapters, the authors, Robert Maloney, M.D., and Neda Shamie, M.D., clearly explain what a cataract is along with its symptoms and causes. In addition, they describe the preoperative eye exam, when to have the surgery, the procedure itself and possible risks, side effects, and potential complications. Contains excellent color photographs and illustrations throughout the book.
—Consumer Connection, Newsletter of Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS)
of the Medical Library Association
101 Things to Know if You Are Addicted to Painkillers. Addicted to pain killers? If so, you can get sober and recover to a better joy-filled life, according to Michael McGee, M.D. An addiction psychiatrist, McGee drives that message home in his new book. In easy-to-understand prose, he covers all the basics of what addiction is, what treatment options are available, how to find help, and what it is like to become sober. He provides lessons that are the heart and soul of the book.
—Consumer Connection, Newsletter of Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS)
of the Medical Library Association
Lung Cancer Book Used for Client Education
The St. Louis law firm, SWMW, has chosen the Addicus publication, Lung Cancer—from Diagnosis to Treatment, to use as a client education tool for its clients who have been diagnosed with lung cancer. The author is Walter Scott, M.D., a thoracic surgeon with Fox Chase Cancer Center in Pennsylvania.