The sixth edition of Straight Talk about Breast Cancer rolled of the press in October. The lead author is Suzanne Braddock, M.D., who is twenty-five-year breast cancer survivor. She wrote the book after her own double mastectomy and chemotherapy; she wanted to help other women who had pressing questions about breast cancer and its treatment. The book is used for patient education for hospitals and cancer clinics across the nation.
Sixth Edition of Breast Cancer Book Coming in August
Straight Talk about Breast Cancer, 6th edition, will roll off the presses in August. The book explains how breast cancer is diagnosed; it also explains how it is treated with surgery and radiation therapy; the book also discusses chemotherapy along with hormone-blocking therapy and targeted therapies. This edition of the book marks the 25th anniversary of the first edition of the book; it was the first book published by Addicus Books in 1994. The lead author is Suzanne Braddock, M.D., a breast cancer survivor of breast cancer.
New Edition in Development
This fall Addicus Books will publish the sixth edition of Straight Talk about Breast Cancer. The lead authors are Suzanne Braddock, M.D. Dr. Braddock, a twenty-five year breast cancer survivor, and Margaret Block, M.D., a medical oncologist in Omaha.
New Editions in the Works
Several new editions in the consumer health line are being updated. The new editions include: Prostate Cancer—A Man’s Guide to Treatment, third edition; Colon and Rectal Cancer—from Diagnosis to Treatment, third edition; Straight Talk about Breast Cancer, sixth edition; Cancers of the Head and Neck—A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment, second edition; and Coronary Heart Disease—A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment, third edition.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Straight Talk about Breast Cancer continues to be a bestselling consumer health book.
Suzanne Braddock, M.D., is the lead author of the book, now in its fifth edition. The book is used for patient education in cancer clinics and hospitals across the nation.