According to author, Maxwell Morrison, MD, “We humans can get in the way of our own success and happiness. In Stop Sabotaging Your Future, Dr. Morrison discusses ways to overcome these maladaptive behaviors. He draws from his expertise as a medical doctor as well as from both his personal and professional life to take readers on journey of self-discovery and improvement. The book is scheduled for publication in Spring 2023.
Three New Editions Receive High Praise from the American Medical Library Association
Elder Care Made Easier—Ten Steps to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One
The author, Dr. Marion Somers, walks us through basic steps: put safety first, improve the lifestyle, learn to use adaptive equipment, manage financial issues, take care of legal matters, find mobility in disability, find the right housing, hire help when needed. The writing style is conversational, making it easy to read. Highly recommended. Read full review here.
Cancers of the Head & Neck
Cancers of the Head and Neck—a Patient’s Guide to Treatment, by Drs. William Lydiatt and Perry Johnson, is a wealth of knowledge for anyone diagnosed with this cancer. Written in clear, plain language, the authors explain what this cancer is, how it is diagnosed, and treated. Highly recommended for all consumer health libraries. Read full review here.
Facial Feminization Surgery
This comprehensive and readable work, Facial Feminization Surgery—The Journey to Gender Affirmation, by plastic surgeons Dr. Jordan DeChamps Braly and Dr. Douglas Ousterhout, provides an empathetic guide to transgender woman that seemingly covers all aspects of this facial surgery. With fifteen chapters and dozens of photos and illustrations, this book is highly recommended for libraries. Read full review here.