Three Things Matter Most—Linking Time, Relationships, and Money. In his new self-help book, Brett Atlas discusses the three things he believes help us live our best lives. Time, relationships, and money are three assets that, when used efficiently, lead to a life filled with meaning. To make his case, Atlas draws from personal experiences as well as wisdom and philosophy passed down through the ages.
Medical Memoir Coming in the Fall
In his medical memoir, Breathless—Behind the Scenes of Intensive Care, Ronald Kolter, M.D., takes readers to the frontlines of caring for critically ill patients who are “breathless”—having trouble breathing. Drawing from four decades of experience as a physician in an intensive care unit, Kotler shares compelling stories of patients who were near death or who were facing the end-of-life. He describes the “rollercoaster” of critical care for patients who struggle to survive and the health care professionals trying to save them.
Kotler’s inspiring stories will educate readers as well as salutes the doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals who make up the American health care system.
Coming this Summer: Three Things Matter Most
Brett Atlas is the author of the forthcoming book Three Things Matter Most—Linking Time, Relationships, and Money. Atlas examines these three assets and offers tips for how to use them efficiently, explaining that how we allocate these precious resources makes the difference between a life filled with meaning and a life filled with regret. To make his case, Atlas draws from personal experiences as well as his study of philosophy and psychology to present an easy-to-follow roadmap to happiness. Atlas is an attorney and makes his home in the Midwest with his wife and three children.
Off the Press: Elder Care Made Easier
Twenty-five percent of American families are caring for an elder member of the family. Although you may be willing to help, you may find the task comes with unexpected challenges.
This new edition of Elder Care Made Easier offers page after page of advice and strategies to make elder care easier. The author Marion Somers, Ph.D., has spent forty-five years as an elder care specialist; her book is loaded with tips and resources.
Off the Press: The Addiction Battle
American’s battle with alcohol and drugs rages on. It’s estimated that one out of ten Americans has fallen into an addiction trap. Addiction therapist Timothy Wulff, MSW, brings us The Addiction Battle—Three Tools to End it Now, which came off the press in early Fall. Wulff helps you discover where your greatest strengths are buried and teaches you how to use their hidden power to overcome addiction. He teaches readers how to redefine the terms anger, selfishness, and trouble-making, and make them key tools in shaping your actions from a new, healthy perspective.
Off the Press: Cataract Surgery—A Patient’s Guide to Treatment
Each year, more than three million Americans undergo cataract surgery. It is the most commonly performed surgery in the nation. Authors Robert K. Maloney, MD, and Neda Shamie, MD, are ophthalmologists, who have performed thousands of cataract surgeries. In their book, Cataract Surgery—A Patient’s Guide to Treatment, they answer commonly-asked questions about the procedure and address the concerns many patients have about modern cataract surgery.
New Title on Addiction Coming in Summer 2020
Addicus Books will release The Addiction Battle—Three Tools to End It Now in the summer 2020. The author Timothy J. Wulf, is an addiction therapist and a licensed clinical social worker with Comprehensive Psychological Services in East Lansing, Michigan.
Second Edition of Elder Care Made Easier is Summer Release
The second edition of Elder Care Made Easier, by Marion Somers, Ph.D., will be released in late Summer 2020. Dr. Somers has spent the last forty years as an elder care specialist, dispensing strategies and advice to make life easier for both caregivers and aging loved ones.
New Book on Vision Correction Surgery Is off the Press
See Better Now offers the latest information on vision correction surgery, including LASIK and other procedures, including implantable contact lenses and refractive lens exchange. The implantable contact lens is placed in the eye right behind the iris and lens. For the refractive lens exchange, the natural lens is removed and replaced with a lens designed to improve your vision. The authors are Robert K. Maloney, M.D. and Neda Shamie, M.D., both part of the Maloney-Shamie Vision Institute in Los Angeles.
Coming Soon: New Book on Cataract Surgery
Later this Spring, Addicus Books will release Cataract Surgery—A Patient’s Guide to Treatment, Second Edition. The authors are noted ophthalmologists Robert K. Maloney, M.D. and Neda Shamie, M.D., both of Los Angeles.