Mike Roberts’ book, Behind Sacred Walls—The True Story of My Abuse by Catholic Priests, is receiving positive reviews as he continues his media tour. Roberts tells the story of how he was abused and controlled by priests for several years in the mid-80s. He also describes the “red tape” he endured fighting the Catholic Church. Roberts reported the abuse in 1986; the priest was put on administrative leave, during which time he was probably paid. The priest was not defrocked until 2015.
Omaha Author Receives National Recognition
Omaha author Brett Atlas has been recognized by the Reader Views Literary Awards program for his recently published book, Three Things Matter Most—Linking Relationships, Time, and Money. (Addicus Books, Inc. 2022). Atlas is the recipient of the Bronze Award in the self-help catagory. Winning titles are based on overall excellence. More information about the awards program here: www.readerviews.com/literaryawards.
Three Things Matter Most Is Featured Story on Jewish Press Website
Brett Atlas, author of Three Things Matter Most: Time, Relationships, and Money, was interviewed for a feature story in on Jewish Press website. Click here to read the full article. Brett’s book is now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the Apple Bookstore.
Medical Memoir Now Available
The medical memoir, Breathless—The Role of Compassion in Critical Care, is now available through retailers. The author, Ronald Kotler, MD, draws from four decades of experience shares compelling stories of patients who were near death or who were facing the end-of-life. He takes readers behind the scenes as he describes the importance of compassion in the care for these patients. Dr. Kotler’s inspiring stories also salutes doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who make up the American healthcare system. His final chapter on “Self-Compassion” for healthcare professionals is particularly timely.
Dr. Kotler is a pulmonary/critical care medicine specialist at the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. He has been a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught pulmonary pathophysiology.
Just Off the Press: Three Things Matter Most
Three Things Matter Most—Linking Time, Relationships, and Money is off the press and selling briskly. The author, Brett Atlas explains how the quick pace at which we live our lives often results in our losing track of the things that influence the quality of our lives. Those three things are time, relationships, and money—not how much money we have about how we handle it. Atlas, lives in Omaha, Nebraska, with his wife and children.
New Memoir Reveals Abuse by Priests
In his new memoir, Behind Sacred Walls, Michael Roberts tells a story of his abuse by Catholic priests. Roberts, who came from a family of devout Catholics, explains how he felt powerless to break away from the abuse. Even when he finally gathered the courage to report the abuse to a trust priest, he was sexually abused by that priest. Roberts explains how he was able to finally able break away from the abuse and the red tape he dealt with in settling the matter with the Catholic Church. The book will be available in mid to late December 2021.
What Matters in Life?
Three Things Matter Most—Linking Time, Relationships, and Money. In his new self-help book, Brett Atlas discusses the three things he believes help us live our best lives. Time, relationships, and money are three assets that, when used efficiently, lead to a life filled with meaning. To make his case, Atlas draws from personal experiences as well as wisdom and philosophy passed down through the ages.
Coming this Fall: Behind Sacred Walls
In Behind Sacred Walls, Michael Roberts tells the compelling story of how he was abused by Catholic priests. His story tells not only how he was abused by a priest for several years, but also how the Catholic Church turned its back on him when he finally reported the abuse. A naïve teen, he was sexually and emotionally dominated by the priest who was revered by his family and parishioners. Fear kept Roberts emotionally paralyzed. He feared hurting his parents, who were devout Catholics. He feared God. Most of all, he feared the wrath of the priest who demanded his obedience.
Medical Memoir Coming in the Fall
In his medical memoir, Breathless—Behind the Scenes of Intensive Care, Ronald Kolter, M.D., takes readers to the frontlines of caring for critically ill patients who are “breathless”—having trouble breathing. Drawing from four decades of experience as a physician in an intensive care unit, Kotler shares compelling stories of patients who were near death or who were facing the end-of-life. He describes the “rollercoaster” of critical care for patients who struggle to survive and the health care professionals trying to save them.
Kotler’s inspiring stories will educate readers as well as salutes the doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals who make up the American health care system.
Behind Sacred Walls: A Memoir
When their favorite parish priest started inviting himself to the Robert’s home for dinner each week, little did the family realize that the priest was grooming their teenaged-son Michael.
After the priest convinced Michael that it was God’s will that the teenager help meet the priest’s human needs, the abuse continued for years. Michael feared both the priest and God, and he feared hurting his parents if he disobeyed the priest’s commands. Finally, Michael was able to free himself from the abuse and report the it to church authorities. But, even after the abuse was reported, it was more than twenty-three years before the priest was officially defrocked. In Behind Sacred Walls, Michael Roberts tells a compelling story that will keep you turning pages. Publication date: Summer 2021.