Two new books in the Addicus divorce series will be released in the Fall. The books are Divorce in Minnesota, by Brian Sobol, Esq., of Minneapolis, and Divorce in Texas by James Mueller, Esq., of Dallas.
Third Edition of Lung Cancer Book Is Fall Release
Lung Cancer—from Diagnosis to Treatment is currently being updated. The third edition is a Fall 2017 release. The author Walter J. Scott, M.D., F.A.C.S., is chief of the Division of Thoracic and Esophageal Surgery at Abington Jefferson Hospital and a member of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, in Philadelphia. Board certified in thoracic surgery, Dr. Scott specializes in the treatment of cancers involving the chest, with a special emphasis on the treatment of lung cancer.
Japanese Publisher Buys Rights
The Japanese publisher, Seiwa Shoten, Co., has purchased the rights to the Addicus Books title, Overcoming Prescription Drugs Addiction, by Rod Colvin. The Japanese edition is scheduled for release in 2018. The subrights sale was handled by the Japan Uni Agency, Inc., in Japan and the Susan Schulman Agency in New York City.
#prescription drug addiction, #opioids, #pain killer addiction
Third Edition of Parkinson’s Book Going to Press
The third edition of Understanding Parkinson’s Disease is heading to press. The new edition includes updates on recently developed diagnostic procedures as well as new medications used to treat the disease. “I am pleased to report that we have received a bulk order from a large health care corporation,” said Rod Colvin, Publisher at Addicus Books. “The corporation will use the book to support its roll out of a product. When a large corporation orders one of our books, we see it as a testament to the quality of our work; the book underwent strict vetting by the corporation.
Author Jay Goltz Blogs for Forbes Magazine
Jay Goltz, author of The Street-Smart Entrepreneur, has become a blogger for Forbes Magazine. He will be blogging about exit strategies for small businesses. “A lot of small business owners are baby boomers and will be retiring,” Goltz said. “I think there is a need for information on how to exit from a business.” Goltz owns four Chicago businesses, including Artists Frame Service, the largest picture-framing business in the U.S.
In his initial blog entries, Goltz will cover his journey of figuring out a succession plan for his business, starting with a letter to his sons. From there he is putting together an “instruction manual” for how to take over the family business for both profit and purpose. Jay is known for his insightful and “pithy” wisdom. Previously, Goltz spent five years as the lead small business blogger for the New York Times.
#Forbes,#smallbusiness,#exitstrategy, #Artists Frame Service
Dennis Ryan Featured in Investigation Discovery Channel (ID) Program
Dennis Ryan was a teenager when his father, Mike Ryan, became a cult leader on a Nebraska farm in the mid-80s. The cult became notorious after it was discovered that two people had been murdered on the farm. The story is told in Evil Harvest—The True Story of Cult Murder in the American Heartland, written by Rod Colvin.
In February, the Investigation Discovery Channel (ID) aired an episode of their program Evil Resides Here, called “Son of the Prophet,” featuring Dennis Ryan. The program premiered on Wednesday, February 12, at 10:00 P.M. The episode may be watched with the Investigation Discovery Go app or online here. (A cable subscription is required to view the content.)
#rulo,#cults,#Nebraska, #MikeRyan,#Kansas
More Books in the Divorce Series off the Press
Three books in the Addicus Books “Divorce Series” are off the press. They are Divorce in Oklahoma, Divorce in Missouri, and Divorce in Maryland. Another title in the series, Divorce in Kansas, is currently at press.
Divorce Book is Part of Curriculum at Arizona Law School
The Addicus title, Divorce in Arizona, published earlier this year, has become part of the curriculum for family law students at Arizona State Law School. The authors of the book are attorneys Marlene Pontrelli and Robert Schwartz of Phoenix.
Consumer Connection Praises New Edition of Parkinson’s Book
The Consumer Connection, a publication of the Medical Library Association gives high marks to Understanding Parkinson’s Disease—A Self-Help Guide, Third Edition.
The book is scheduled for publication in early 2017. The book will be available in a paperback format and in three e-book formats. The lead author is Steven Schechter, M.D., a neurologist in Michigan.
Parkinson’s Book Featured in Prevention Magazine
An interview with Addicus author John Schechter, M.D. is featured in this month’s Prevention Magazine. In the article, Dr. Schechter, a Michigan neurologist, discusses some of the lesser-known symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The book, Understanding Parkinson’s Disease, Third Edition, is an early 2017 release.
#preventionmagazine #parkinson’sdisease #deepbrainstimulation