Addicus Books has signed two attorneys for the forthcoming book, Divorce in New Hampshire. The authors are Dana Prescott, Esq., a partner with the law firm Prescott, Jamieson, and Murphy, LCC, in Saco, Maine, and Jessica Ecker, an attorney with Weibrecht and Ecker in Dover, New Hampshire. The book is scheduled for release in early 2021.
New Editions of Divorce Books
The second edition of Divorce in Illinois—the Legal Process, Your Rights, and What to Expect is off the press and available through bookstore. The author is Chicago attorney, Steven Peskind, Esq.
Another new edition, Divorce in Arizona, is in development. The new edition will be available in late summer 2019. The authors are Arizona attorneys, Marlene Pontrelli, Esq., and Robert Schwartz.
New Divorce Title off the Press
Another book in the Addicus divorce series if off the press. Divorce in Pennsylvania—The Legal Process, Your Rights, and What to Expect is now available. The author, Karen Ulmer Pendergast, Esq., practices family law in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
New Divorce Titles Coming…
Two new titles in the Addicus Books divorce series will be published this spring. They are Divorce in Idaho, by attorney Craig Marcus and Divorce in Pennsylvania, by Karen Ulmer Pendergast.
Addicus Books Featured in Trade Journal
Addicus Books was featured in a recent article in the trade journal, The Independent, a publication of the Independent Book Publisher’s Association. The article, which discussed selling rights to a book, quoted Addicus publisher Rod Colvin. He said, “Over the past four years, we have sold the rights to our book, Divorce in Nebraska, to thirty attorneys in thirty states. Each of those attorneys has customized the book to fit the laws in their state.” Colvin added, “We have been most pleased with the success of the project, and we’ve had excellent feedback from the authors.”
Photos from the article are shown below.
Left: Nebraska attorneys Susan Ann Koenig and Angela Dunn.
Middle: Arizona attorneys Jerry Schwartz and Marlene Pontrelli.
Right: In New York, attorney David Stutman (center).
Update on Divorce Book Series
Another book, Divorce in Texas, is off to press. The author is attorney Jim Mueller of Dallas. Other books in progress in the divorce series include: Divorce in Pennsylvania by Karen Ulmer Pendergast, Langhorne, PA; Divorce in Minnesota by Brian Sobel, Minneapolis, MN; and Divorce in Idaho by Craig Marcus, Boise, ID.
Divorce in Texas Heads to Press
Another book in the Addicus Books divorce series is heading to press. Divorce in Texas, is author by Dallas attorney Jim Mueller. The Texas book is the 30th book to be published in the series.
Divorce Books Coming This Fall
Two new books in the Addicus divorce series will be released in the Fall. The books are Divorce in Minnesota, by Brian Sobol, Esq., of Minneapolis, and Divorce in Texas by James Mueller, Esq., of Dallas.
More Books in the Divorce Series off the Press
Three books in the Addicus Books “Divorce Series” are off the press. They are Divorce in Oklahoma, Divorce in Missouri, and Divorce in Maryland. Another title in the series, Divorce in Kansas, is currently at press.
Divorce Book is Part of Curriculum at Arizona Law School
The Addicus title, Divorce in Arizona, published earlier this year, has become part of the curriculum for family law students at Arizona State Law School. The authors of the book are attorneys Marlene Pontrelli and Robert Schwartz of Phoenix.