Regular Exercise Helps Mothers-to-Be
The Austin American-Statesman features an online article this month on the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. The Addicus title, Exercising through Your Pregnancy, by James Clapp III is referenced in the article.
Authors of Body Contouring Title Are Presenters at Orlando Conference
In April, the authors of Body Contouring Surgery after Weight Loss traveled to Orlando, Florida, where they were presenters at a medical conference sponsored by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). The authors are pictured here at the booth of Ethicon, a division of Johnson & Johnson. Left to right: J. Peter Rubin, M.D., Jeffrey Sebastian, M.D., and Joseph Capella, M.D.
Authors Are Presenters at Dallas Plastic Surgery Conference
The authors of the new release, Body Contouring Surgery after Weight Loss, were presenters at a March Dallas conference on body contouring surgery after massive weight loss. The authors are Jeffrey L. Sebastian, MD, Joseph Capella, MD, and J. Peter Rubin, MD. The conference was sponsored by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Ethicon, a division of Johnson and Johnson, partnered with Addicus Books to present a copy of the book to each surgeon attending the conference.
Addicus Publisher Accepts New Term on PMA Board
Addicus Books publisher Rod Colvin has accepted a second, two-year term on the board of directors of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IPPA). The 14-member board governs the organization, made of up nearly 4,000 independent publishers in the United States. Colvin was elected to his second during the May meeting of PMA in Washington, D.C.
Library Journal Delivers High Praise for Body Contouring Title
The May 15 issue of Library Journal praised Body Contouring Surgery after Weight Loss, by Drs. Jeffrey Sebastian, Joseph Capella, and Peter Rubin. According to the review, “This thorough, up-to-date exploration of the mechanics of body-contouring surgery has an abundance of information that is well organized and presented in an easy-to-read, conversational style.”
Consumer Connection Reviews Two Addicus Titles
Two Addicus titles have received high marks from the Consumer Connection, the newsletter of the Consumer and Patient Health Information Section of the Medical Library Association. The newsletter reviews Body Contouring Surgery after Weight Loss and Your Complete Guide to Breast Reduction and Breast Lifts in its October 2006 issue. The full reviews are posted on the catalog page for each title. The Consumer Connection is published electronically on a quarterly basis at:
Second Printing of Evil Harvest Rolls Off Press
In Evil Harvest, Rod Colvin re-creates a chilling story of torture, hate, and perversion, and how good, ordinary people could be pulled into a destructive, religious cult—a cult that committed unthinkable acts—all in the name of God. The second printing of Evil Harvest came off the press in June and continues to remain a bestselling book for Addicus Books.
Overcoming Metabolic Syndrome Wins High Praise
Overcoming Metabolic Syndrome has been reviewed by Consumer Connection, the newsletter of the Consumer and Patient Health Information Section of the Medical Library Association. In her review, Consumer Health Librarian Teresa Hanson says, “This book is written in a simple style…Persons diagnosed with the syndrome would find it helpful.”
Medical Journal Praises Body Contouring Surgery after Weight Loss
Body Contouring Surgery after Weight Loss has received praise from the Journal of Kentucky Medical Association. According to reviewer Stephen Z. Smith,M.D., “With this book, working with the surgeon will be easier and hopefully more productive…”
Elder Care Author Launches New Website
Doctor Marion Somers, leading elder care expert and author of Elder Care Made Easier, has announced the launch of, the most comprehensive online destination available for the baby boomer generation. Her book offers ten steps to help those who are caring for elders.