Life without Glasses—LASIK, PRK, Lens Implants and Lens Exchange is off the press. The author, Robert K. Maloney, M.D., is an ophthalmologist in Los Angeles. In addition to covering LASIK and PRK, which are procedures that may be more familiar to the public, the book also covers newer procedures that improve vision with the implantation of permanent lenses in the eye.
Published 2015/12/22
Arizona attorney Marlene Pontrelli knows the emotional toll a divorce can take on individuals. In her new book, Daily Meditations for Healing from Divorce, she offers 365 daily meditations, aimed at helping those who are divorcing with recover from emotionally and spiritually from the pain that often comes with the death of a relationship. Published 2016/01/04
The newest divorce book: Divorce in Michigan is now available. The author is attorney John F. Schaefer of Birmingham, Michigan. Other books recently off the press: Divorce in New Mexico by Jan Gilman Tepper, along with other members of her Albuquerque firm, and Divorce in West Virginia by mother-daughter attorney team, Lyne Ranson and Brittany Ranson Stonestreet, of Charleston, West Virginia. Published 2016/01/08
The Addicus Books series on divorce continues to grow. Texas attorney James N. Mueller will author Divorce in Texas, bringing the current number of books in the series to thirty. All books in the series are written by family law attorneys. Divorce in Texas is schedule for release in late 2017. Published 2016/01/08
After months of research, brainstorming, and hard work, Addicus Books has launched its new website, “We are excited about bringing a new and improved resource to the public,” said Jack Kusler, Associate Publisher of Addicus Books. “ Not only did the site undergo a change cosmetically, it also underwent a technological transformation from top to bottom.”
“We invite you to visit the website. You’ll find a wealth of information about the books we publish, and we hope you will be able to navigate the site with ease.”
Finally, we welcome your feedback. If you have an idea for the site, please e-mail us at: Published 2016/01/11
The attorney for Brendan Dassey, a teenager convicted of murder in Wisconsin, cites the The Twelfth Victim—The Innocence of Caril Fugate in the Starkweather Murder Rampage, (Addicus Books 2014), as an example of a book with stories about individuals wrongly convicted of murder. (“Seventeen Books on False Confessions.” Read the article here.) Dassey is the nephew of Steven Avery, also convicted of murdering 25-year-old Teresa Halbach. The attorneys for Dassey and Avery lay out their case, claiming the men are innocent, in a 10-part documentary on Netflix. The program, The Making of A Murderer, has been so popular that producers are considering a second season. Published 2016/01/19
Phoenix Attorney Marlene Pontrelli, author of Daily Meditations for Healing from Divorce, appeared on Good Morning Arizona. Her new book offers 365 daily meditations for recovering emotionally from a divorce. “There is the legal side of divorce, but there is also an emotional side,” said Pontrelli. “The emotional side can be paralyzing at times; this book offers tools for moving forward.” Pontrelli is also author of Divorce in Arizona, which she co-authored with law partner Robert Schwartz. Published 2016/03/31
A new printing of A Patient’s Guide to Dental Implants is off the press and now available.
The book is also available in e-book format.
Published 2016/04/19
The revised third edition of Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety is getting good reviews!
“A well-researched, compassionate book that explains the types of mental health problems women may develop during pregnancy and after delivery. The book’s comprehensive treatment information will be helpful to both women suffering from postpartum psychiatric disorders and to healthcare providers who treat them.”
Catherine Cram, M.S., Author
Exercising Through Your Pregnancy
A third edition of Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety is scheduled for release in July 2016. The author, Linda Sebastian, is an advanced nurse practitioner, who has treated women with postpartum psychiatric disorders for more than thirty years. Postpartum depression is the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth, yet public awareness about the disorder is seriously lacking. Many new mothers suffer in silence, thinking they are bad mothers.
Published 2016/04/24
The third edition of Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety will be released this fall.
The author is advanced nurse practitioner Linda Sebastian of Bonita Springs, Florida. Ms. Sebastian describes the risk factors for postpartum psychiatric disorders along with the treatment for the various forms of these disorders. She also calls attention to the fact that postpartum depression is the most common complication of pregnancy. However, due to lack of public awareness of the illness, many new mothers suffer in silence and shame, believing there are “bad mothers.”
Published 2016/08/30
Two books in the Addicus Books “Divorce Series” are heading to press. Those titles are Divorce in North Carolina, by Bill Trosch, Esq., and his brother, Eric Trosch, Esq., of Charlotte, North Carolina. Also heading to press is: Divorce in Florida by Lisa Kirby, Esq., and her sister, Shayna Cavanaugh, Esq., both of Naples, Florida.
Published 2016/08/30
Attorney Brian L. Sobol, of Minneapolis, has signed to author Divorce in Minnesota: The Legal Process, Your Rights, and What to Expect. Sobol is a member of the law firm McGrann, Shea, Carnival, Straughn & Lamb, Chartered. He is also a member of several professional organizations, including the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and the International Academy of Family Lawyers. Divorce in Minnesota will be a Fall 2017 release.
Published 2016/09/07
Straight Talk about Breast Cancer continues to be a bestselling consumer health book.
Suzanne Braddock, M.D., is the lead author of the book, now in its fifth edition. The book is used for patient education in cancer clinics and hospitals across the nation.
Published 2016/10/17
Three books in the divorce series are heading to press this month. They are: Divorce in Kansas by Scott Mann, Esq. and Stephanie Tucker-Muir, Esq. Both attorneys are from Kansas City. A Guide to Divorce in Missouri is also scheduled to go to press; the authors are St. Louis lawyers, Cary Mogerman, Esq. and Joseph Kodner, Esq. Finally, Divorce in Oklahoma also goes to press this month. The author is Mark Antinoro, Esq. of Pryor, Oklahoma.
Published 2016/11/09
Two titles in the Addicus divorce series rolled off the press this month. Those titles are: Divorce in Florida, by Naples attorneys Lisa Kirby, Esq. and Shayna Cavanaugh, Esq.
The second title just off the press is Divorce in North Carolina by William Trosch, Esq. and Eric Trosch, Esq., both of Charlotte.
A new consumer health title is also now available. Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety, Third Edition, is authored by Linda Sebastian, ARNP, of Fort Myers, Florida.
Published 2016/11/09
An interview with Addicus author John Schechter, M.D. is featured in this month’s Prevention Magazine. In the article, Dr. Schechter, a Michigan neurologist, discusses some of the lesser-known symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The book, Understanding Parkinson’s Disease, Third Edition, is an early 2017 release.
Published 2016/11/09
The Consumer Connection, a publication of the Medical Library Association gives high marks to Understanding Parkinson’s Disease—A Self-Help Guide, Third Edition.
The book is scheduled for publication in early 2017. The book will be available in a paperback format and in three e-book formats. The lead author is Steven Schechter, M.D., a neurologist in Michigan.
Published 2016/11/30
The Addicus title, Divorce in Arizona, published earlier this year, has become part of the curriculum for family law students at Arizona State Law School. The authors of the book are attorneys Marlene Pontrelli and Robert Schwartz of Phoenix.
Published 2016/11/30